퓨리텐 엘아르기닌 1000mg 100정
권장복용: 공복에 1정씩 하루 6정까지 복용 가능.
- 혈액순환 개선
- 혈압을 낮추는 작용
- 협심증 증상 완화
- 혈액순환을 높여 발기부전 등 남성 성기능 문제도움
- 모근에 혈액공급으로 탈모도움
- 혈당 수치 개선
About this item
- Arginine is one of 20 amino acids, the building blocks of protein
- Product Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product delivery
- Arginine can serve as a source of energy, and is involved in various pathways throughout the body
- Arginine supports the effect of exercise and is one of the most important amino acids involved in immune function
- Fitness Type: Post Workout
퓨리텐 엘아르기닌 1000mg 100정