라이프팜 옴니아 30정 피부영양제
Proper skin care is essential to creating and maintaining the health and vitality of your appearance. But what you apply on top of your skin every day isn’t enough. Everything that you consume can reflect negatively or positively on your skin; therefore, obtaining the proper vitamins and nutrients that you need daily ensures that your skin will look its best.
OMNIA contains essential vitamins, minerals, and special nutrients for healthy and glowing skin, all in one capsule. It’s comprised of three main ingredients proven to continuously rejuvenate the health of your skin as you age: egg bioactive growth factors, the superfood Spirulina, and the herbal extract of Red Clover Blossoms. In addition, it contains three powerful ingredient complexes made up of minerals, collagen, and natural moisturizers to help improve the structure, function, and appearance of skin tissue: Rejuvenation Complex, Super Vitamin B Complex, and Antioxidant and Botanical Blend. This comprehensive and effective formula not only supports healthy skin, but also strengthens and improves the appearance of your hair and nails.
라이프팜 옴니아 30정 피부영양제
권장복용: 하루 1정