에스트로벤 여성 체중감량 갱년기 폐경기완화 영양제 30정
권장복용: 하루 1정
시서스 포함 영양제로 여성갱년기 완화 및 체중조절 효과가 있습니다.
- HELPS MANAGE WEIGHT DURING MENOPAUSE.* During menopause, your serotonin levels naturally decline which can result in feelings of hunger, a less efficient metabolism, and moodiness.
- SAFE MULTI-SYMPTOM RELIEF: hot flashes, night sweats, manage weight.
- SAFE AND EFFECTIVE dietary supplement that is both drug free and estrogen free.
- CONTAINS NATURALLY-SOURCED BLACK COHOSH, plus clinically proven Soy Isoflavones, to help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats.
- INCLUDES NATURALLY-SOURCED SYNETRIM CQ, a proprietary ingredient that is clinically studied to balance declining serotonin levels which is important for managing weight.
No two women experience menopause the same way; that’s why Estroven has a full line of products to help reduce not only hot flashes & night sweats, but also your most bothersome menopausal symptoms.* Every Estroven product contains both naturally sourced and clinically studied ingredients, so you can choose the product that is right for you. Estroven Menopause Relief + Weight goes beyond relieving hot flashes and night sweats to safely help manage weight.* During menopause your serotonin levels naturally decline during menopause, which can result in feelings of hunger, a less efficient metabolism, and moodiness. Estroven Menopause Relief + Weight also contains naturally sourced Synetrim CQ, clinically studied to balance declining serotonin levels which is important for managing weight.* Estroven Menopause Relief + Weight contains naturally sourced Black Cohosh Extract, plus Soy Isoflavones, to help reduce the frequency & severity of hot flashes and night sweats.*
에스트로벤 여성 체중감량 갱년기 폐경기완화 영양제 30정