라이프팜 익스트림 쉐이프 다이어트영양제
Extrim Shape targets the often overlooked cause of weight struggles after age 30: High blood sugar levels that make your body store fat. This proprietary formula delivers a clinically-validated blend of natural growth factors and nutrients that can ease weight control, reduce cravings, and support healthy blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar levels spike, your body stores more fat. And the kind of fat you’re most likely to store is visceral fat — the dangerous belly fat linked to many chronic health issues. To make things worse, coming down from these blood sugar spikes leaves us fatigued… and craving foods that spike our levels even more. The body can maintain healthy blood sugar levels in youth because it makes plenty of insulin-producing beta cells.
권장복용: 식사전 1정씩 하루 2번 (하루2정)