업앤업 타먹는 어린이 유산균 30개
권장복용: 만1세 이상, 찬물 또는 찬음식에 충분히 섞어서 복용
주의사항 : 더운물 또는 더운음식에 타서 복용하지 마세요.
- Compare vs. Culturelle Kids Packets
- Probiotic packets help your child’s digestive health
- Helps support children’s natural defense systems
- Flavorless probiotics are easy for kids to take
Make sure your kid’s digestive health stays on track with the help of Children’s Probiotic Packets from up & up™. The individual packets feature 5 billion active cultures per serving for an easy way to help your child’s natural defense systems. With no flavor, it’s easy to mix in with a drink for your child to take without fuss.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A Vitamin or nutritional supplement product that does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, colors, or sweeteners, as determined through 1) ingredient parsing and analysis; or 2) make an on-pack statement indicating that it does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, artificial synthetic colors, or synthetic sweeteners; or 3) carry an on-pack claim “artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners”.
A product that carries an unqualified on-pack statement about the product containing prebiotic or probiotic ingredients.
A product that has an unqualified independent third-party certification, or carries an on-pack statement relating to the finished product being gluten-free.